
Author Interview: Loyal by Yasmin Shiraz
Virtual Book Tour, Loyal, a Young Adult Novel About The Author Yasmin Shiraz is an author, filmmaker, speaker and...
New Every Morning: Can I Get a Witness?
Good morning! The lyrics of one of my favorite songs are as follows: The steadfast love of the...
Review: Hear Me by Kerry O’Malley Cerra
#HearMe, @KerryCerra, #KerryCerra, @LernerBooks, #LernerBooks. One year after being diagnosed with hearing loss, Rayne’s hearing keeps getting worse, even with aids.
Freerunner by Kathy Cassel (Review & Giveaway)
Set against the backdrop of the sport of #freerunning, Kia must decide whether she will continue running or face her past #abuser in order to save another child.
Don’t Tell My Heart It Can Heal (Book Review)
Reality settled on him like robe of iron. It was too much. The weight of what could go wrong was too heavy. The sacrifice of what he wanted for what God demanded was too dear.