Good morning!

The lyrics of one of my favorite songs are as follows:

The steadfast love of the Lord is unchanging
His tender mercies never come to an end
It’s new every morning
It’s new every morning
Great is thy faithfulness O Lord
Great is thy faithfulness

Either I’ve changed the words and timing in my head, or they have. Anyway, this version gave me goosebumps!

On the eve of another birthday, I look back and thank God for His faithfulness towards me and my family during the past year. He kept us safe and COVID-free.

I became a grandmother at one of the lowest mental points in my life and God used the arrival of that precious baby boy to remind me that He is close to the brokenhearted (loss of my mom in 2018) and binds up their wounds (safe delivery for my daughter and arrival of baby boy 2020)

There is purpose in being a grandparent and although I don’t live with him as my mom did with me and my daughter, I pray that I can be at least half as good a grandparent to him as my mom was to my daughter.

So, I welcome this new day, the dawn before a new year begins. with a song on my heart and gratitude in my spirit that I’m not where I was this time last year, and I look forward to next year knowing that it will only get better from here.

Have a wonderful day everyone,

His mercies are truly new every morning.

Grab ahold of it!

Longer Choir Version