#TBT Repost: Change…

Change... it is inevitable. I fight against it by rote, out of habit, for I am a creature of habit. If it's working [for me] why mess with it? How dare you grow up, away from, or beyond me instead of with or beside me? How dare you utilize your gift of choice to...

What Comes Out of You?

Hi Folks, The following question was posed recently in one of my online groups: Immediately I responded...

Thank “You”

chillinTV Watchinthen I answer the phoneand out of the blueit's "You"only...my heart doesn't singIn your voicethere's a familiar ringBut I can't place the voiceSo there is no choicebut to ask...Who again are you? you pauseas if to think upyour disclaimer clauseWe're...

Blog Tours on the Horizon!

Hi Folks,I've linked up with SORMAG, an online multicultural literary magazine that specialize in book promotion and book reviews for multi-cultural literature, to become one of their bloghosts for promotional blog tours. Here's a list of the current bloghosts:2007...

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advice columnsannouncementsappearancesauthorsBlog Toursbook promotioncelebrationContestselectionexcerptsExtrasforgivenessGod's gracegraceHarlem Book FairholidayshumorLiving SingleLook What I Foundmemoriesmusicpoetryquestions and answersreflectionreview...

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