The Liberating Truth

Title: The Liberating Truth: How Jesus Empowers Women
Author: Danielle Strickland
Publisher: Monarch Books (UK) / Kregel Publications (USA)
Release Date: August 31, 2011
Genre: Non-Fiction / Religion / Christian Life / Social Issues
Reviewed by: D.S. White

About the Book:

Women everywhere, despite the feminist movement, remain subjugated and constrained by cultural norms, all too often under girded by church practices that tell them to conform, hold back, and turn aside from God’s call upon their lives. The church and culture may restrict women, but Jesus empowered them, and Danielle call us to do the same.

My Thoughts:

I chose this book based on the title and the promise implied: truth, liberation and empowerment. In the back of my mind was the thought that it might have a feminist agenda, which I do back flips to avoid reading but I chose the book anyway.

Danielle’s pain and frustration at situations experienced, personally and secondhand via the stories of women she encountered personally or read about was tangible. I can imagine that a life’s work of research and instituting programs to empower women while encountering the same stories of abuse, abandonment or neglect over and over again would engender the need to do something, say something to alert society to the silent unanswered cries of women all over the world.  Different women, different cultures, same abuse.

After reading, I can say there is truth in it with regards to abuse women suffer in and out of the church due to small minds, society turning a blind eye and inaccurate theology, however, I felt neither liberated nor empowered.

Despite that, there are some good points:

  • The author’s love for God is clear and prevalent
  • The book is a quick read
  • The first half of the book gives lots of interesting statistics
  • The back of the book gives brief biographies of many fascinating women
  • This book is a good conversation starter referencing how we apply God’s principles in today’s society

I gave this book 3 stars

Since I disagree with much of the theology, I would be hesitant to recommend this book to others, especially a young Christian who has not had time be discipled.

About the Author:

Danielle Strickland is a Major in the Salvation Army in Canada. A gifted evangelist, she is widely sought after as a speaker. She and her husband, also a Salvation Army officer, have two young children.

NOTE: This book was received from the Publisher, Kregel Publications, free of charge in exchange for an honest review.

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