Dee S. Writes welcome Jay Morris, JD, PhD, author of Masterpiece: Our Journey to Spiritual Transformation. He graciously answered some questions for us. So grab a cup of coffee or hot cocoa and let’s get to it!

DSW: Why do you write?

JM: Writing to me is a very creative process.  Words are powerful and have the ability to change lives and history.  It is similar to painting a picture and watching it come to life.  It provides full expression of my thoughts and emotions and allows me to take it in whatever direction I chose.  There are not many things I regret in life, but I truly wish I had spent more time taking writing classes and spending more time writing as opposed to working in corporate America.  Writing offers a freedom that is unlike any other craft, while at the same time influencing millions of souls at a time.

DSW: What do you think makes a good book?

JM: I believe a good book is one that grabs you from the outset and compels you to read through to the end without putting it down in eager anticipation of getting to the end.  It engages your body, mind, and soul.  You can’t stop thinking about the book and how it unfolds.  It grabs your full and complete attention.

DSW: What is the most surprising thing you learned about yourself while writing Masterpiece?

JM: I can’t say it is the most surprising thing that I learned, however, one surprising thing I learned about myself was that I don’t need to be unforgiving of myself for some of the mistakes that I have made in my life. I realized that I made some dumb decisions based on the poor information I had, the bad influences around me, and the stubbornness of my immaturity.  I asked God for forgiveness and am learning how to forgive myself.  This has enabled me to forgive those who have deeply hurt me and this process has been highly effective in helping me to mature in my faith.

DSW: As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?

JM: Growing up I wanted to be an archeologist.

DSW: What would you say is your interesting writing quirk?

JM: I can get so wrapped up in trying to make a portion of the writing so perfect that I lose sight of how much time I spend in one area, while losing sight of creating a first draft that can be rewritten at a later time.

DSW: How did you come up with the title?

JM: I had multiple titles and got input from numerous sources.  It took about a year for me to come up with my title after getting a first draft.  The title also helped me to reframe some of the content.

DSW: How long did it take you to write this book? What did you especially enjoy and what could you have done without? 

JM: It took about 18 months to have a solid draft.  I enjoyed seeing it come together for the first time.  I had three editors and didn’t have the same chemistry with the last two as I did with the first.  There were so many things I was learning while writing Masterpiece.  It is amazing how personal writing becomes the more time you spend with the manuscript.  Even now I find myself editing the book and wanting to go back and make changes.  I am using this creative energy to help design and start my next book.  This was a tremendous learning experience and I am looking forward to seeing how much of this knowledge will be applied.

DSW: What are some of your favorite books?

JM: Some of my favorite books include: This Present Darkness and Piercing the Darkness both by Frank Perettil,  Joseph in Egypt by Thomas Mann, and On Becoming a Leader by Warren Bennis.  I read the Bible, New Living Translation cover to cover four times a year.

DSW: What author inspired you to write?

JM: Frank Peretti inspired me to write.

DSW: What is one piece of advice you would give to our readers who may be aspiring writers?

JM: It is important for aspiring writers to surround themselves with seasoned writers and other aspiring writers so they don’t get frustrated by those who might not understand what it takes to write.  It is important to get encouragement and support early in the process and not listen to the negative voices that might not understand anything about writing.

This interview was a pleasure. Thank you for answering our questions!

About the Book


Christianity, Spirituality, Inspirational

Date Published: September 15, 2023

Publisher: Credo House Publishers



We all must ask crucial questions about our life here on earth. Am I
experiencing life the way God, the Master Creator, designed my life to be
lived? Or am I living a lesser, devolving life of my own choosing?

We, God’s ultimate creations, can only understand our purpose in life
if we learn to see ourselves through the eyes of our Creator. This book
provides practical steps on walking with the Holy Spirit. It will transform
your soul if you follow the instructions.


Praise for Masterpiece

“This book will transform your life into the original masterpiece you
were created to be. It teaches you how to unleash the power of the Holy
Spirit so you can develop unshakeable faith and spiritual discernment when
you commit to doing the work that your spirit requires. Dr. Morris takes you
deep into self-reflection as you imagine the possibilities for your life
when you completely surrender to the Holy Spirit.”

Karen Hinds, CEO of Workplace Success Group


“If you are interested in next-level living, then you must take this
reading journey into the Holy Spirit. This book helps us understand how the
Holy Spirit shows up and works within our lives. Dr. Morris provides the
reader with keen clarity on how to reap the fruit of the Spirit in an
exceptional and timely way. This book is a spiritual gift to the

Jen Olson, Co-Founder/Principal KGO


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