Hi, I’m Dee! Welcome to my network of blogs

Please be patient with me. To be more efficient, this site will become the gateway to my blog network. The best of my sites will be absorbed into this blog or linked below to take you to it’s specific topic. The hope is to provide richer, streamlined content to uplift, show God’s light and provide reviews with my whimsical and/or humorous touch.
Brave: The Story of Ahinoam by Mesu Andrews (Book Review)
Welcome to my stop on the Takeover + Review Blitz for Brave: The Story of Ahinoam by Mesu Andrews hosted by JustRead Publicity Tours! Please enjoy my thoughts below and let me know yours. About the Book Title: Brave: The Story of Ahinoam Series: King David's Brides #1...
An Interview with Author, Jay Morris, JD, PhD
Dee S. Writes welcome Jay Morris, JD, PhD, author of Masterpiece: Our Journey to Spiritual Transformation. He graciously answered some questions for us. So grab a cup of coffee or hot cocoa and let's get to it! DSW: Why do you write? JM: Writing to me is a very...
Book Blitz – Masterpiece: Our Journey to Spiritual Transformation
Christianity, Spirituality, Inspirational Date Published: September 15, 2023 Publisher: Credo House Publishers We all must ask crucial questions about our life here on earth. Am I experiencing life the way God, the Master Creator, designed my life to be lived? Or...