Welcome to Dee S. Writes Where I Write, Read, and Review!

Review: Hear Me by Kerry O’Malley Cerra

#HearMe, @KerryCerra, #KerryCerra, @LernerBooks, #LernerBooks. One year after being diagnosed with hearing loss, Rayne’s hearing keeps getting worse, even with aids. 

Freerunner by Kathy Cassel (Review & Giveaway)

Set against the backdrop of the sport of #freerunning, Kia must decide whether she will continue running or face her past #abuser in order to save another child.

E-book & Affiliate Program in the Hizzouse!

Hello Folks,I'm just so thrilled I could burst! I've just turned the second half of my print book into an E-book (all by my little self). I first got the idea from another author in one of my Yahoo Groups when she announced her books on the bestsellers list.I have...

Here It Is!

Here's the Book! This is the book that houses my poem: The Strong Black Woman is Dead! Or Is She?I received an additional email from Sara of BlackExpressions and it was mailed out two days ago. It should be here by the weekend. I'll let you know the verdict as soon as...

Trouble Don’t Last Always

I know by its very definition, the word surprise means that something unexpected happens, but as we both know, surprises can be good, bad, or indifferent.By 10 a.m. today I’d had three surprises; and get this—they were all good, great even!That was in total opposition...


Born 40 years ago in the Republic of Trinidad & Tobago through the power of prayer, Dee's life has not always been easy. But had someone told her years ago that her name Diane meant Divine, it might have saved her a lot of the time she spent thinking up ways to "fit...

Introducing Cover No. 4

No, this cover will not replace cover number three, but it will work in conjunction with cover number three. Not one to give up easily when I have a thought in mind, I recalled a book format that I've come across from time to time.In that format two entire books would...

Part I

THE SECRET LIFE OF DIVINEMonday, August 16, 2004, 7:20 a.m.I scribble furiously from the first-row corner seat aboard Lantabus Metro. I'm anxious to capture the thoughts and words as they come, honestly, naturally. As I write, I wonder how I ever made it to this...